Monday, 20 August 2012

Precedent images of models

Some nice paper flowers, stacking petals, give me a few ideas already.
These acrylic flowers have been heat formed, a technique which has captured my interest as it has allowed the formation of some rather organic curves.
Here are some simple laser cut pieces of acrylic made to form a vase. Tacky I know! But they show how form and space can be built from two dimensional parts.


Scale all wrong in 3ds max, so when I brought up my individual sections in illustrator, they spanned an area much greater than A4. resizing required and then need to repeat this process.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Project 2

Creating test sections of 2mm in preparation for a sketch model of my final render. I have resized my iteration proportionately with a y-axis of 100mm, thus my model will be roughly 10cm tall. These sections are saved individually as AI files which can then be coloured red as outlines in Illustrator. 50 sections will then be printed to be reassembled as a 3-d form.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Final render 81

Final Render Money Shot

Final arrangement of 81 Iterations

Here I have arranged my 81 iterations in a manner that hopefully reflects my narrative. They 'bloom' out from a centre spiral, almost like the bud of a fern as it uncoils to reveal its fronds. Soft floral forms are created which seem appropriate. Various iterative pathways exist, emphasising 'derivation'. Each iteration has green textures or is turning green (virescent), keeping in line with their botanic, organic form and narrative.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

30 Iterations

Getting the hang of this
30 nice its. looking very floral, blooming out

Saturday, 4 August 2012

25 iterations

I need to revisit my precedent images for more form inspiration

More iterations show the meaning of 'bloom'

I was able to create some fresh forms with modifiers; symmetry, taper and mirror. Previously my iterations were too complex for these modidiers to be useful, however having optimized their poly counts, a few nice iterations have developed.
 Nice render of very floral iteration

Iterations 10-14

Starting to look quite organic
Polygon count was far too high. used the optimize modifier to reduce this.