Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Team advertisment

Nana technology aims to facilitate the technologically challenged in becoming savvy and up to date in their communications. They offer social networking tutorials and have developed a series of app.s for senile geriatrics. Our advertisement aims to attract interest from our target clientele by displaying relevant aesthetic and media. Appropriately clear in meaning and product, for an elderly audience with failing eyesight and hearing. An audio sample from the wizard of OZ soundtrack, which is easily recognisable to our audience, aims to be attention grabbing through its sense of nostalgia. Our slogan ‘making it easier to connect’ simply states the purpose of our range of services, literally making it easier to understand what we provide.
Within our animation, we depicted a nana confused by technology. This relates to the struggles that the elderly face. When “Nana Technology” appears her problems are solved. Showing that our company can help the elderly find joy in technology.
We used the same visual features in both the TV commercial and the poster so our audience can recognise our company in both medias.
Sound clips courtesy of freesounds.org

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